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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Join the Party for Babies

Please join the Joy Makin' Mamas as we Pay It Forward... for Babies!  We'll be passing along family friendly project ideas at every skill level, so please don't think you are "not crafty enough" to participate.  Read the details, below, and join the party. You can put a minimum donation amount on your offer, limit it to the first five donors, put an end date- do what works for you, just help us get the word out AND SAVE BABIES!

The artist at work
I'm sure by now if you travel in crafty circles, you've seen one of your Facebook friends or a blogger you enjoy pledge to send something handmade to the first five people to comment on their post and to make the same offer on their own facebook page or blog.  If you haven't, well, YOU HAVE NOW.

Welcome to my Pay It Forward... for Babies post.  I'm sure you remember (and if you don't, there are plenty of links in the sidebar where you can check it out) that last year I pledged to donate money for every mile I walked to save babies.  This year, of course, healthy babies are more on my mind than ever.  One is banging away on my bladder faster than I bang away on the keys, after all, so it would be hard to forget it.

This year, my due date and the March for Babies date come awfully close to being the same darn date- so I can promise you I'll be at "The March" only in spirit.  Ian and I will definitely make our own trek for babies again, just like last year, but January's weather has not been kind to us.  More on that later.

So, right now, I'll be paying it forward this way.  You make a pledge on my March for Babies page, and Ian and I will make something for you.  (Some of his friends may help, too!  And he has a lot of friends.)  Then, you post a photo of that item on your facebook page or blog, or send it in an email, or host a reveal party (kidding) and let folks know that the first person to make a donation on my March for Babies page and say you sent them will ALSO get something made by me and Ian.  We'll surprise you, depending on where you live, and how much time you give us before this baby shows up, with something we sincerely hope you'll LOVE.

(See, the original "Pay it Forward" had YOU making things for the next person to respond.  Notice how Ian and I do the work... all you do is enjoy your Thank You gift and share the news with friends, while spreading the word that we are trying to help the March of Dimes save some babies.  That seems like a good deal to me.)

If you've got a blog, hustle on over to join our team, whether you'll be walking on March Day or not, regardless of where you live- you can change your personal walk location once you join- and make a post just like this one.  Then link to your post from this page by clicking the link and following the instructions below.  You can post the Linky List of other Pay It Forward posts in your post, too, so you can join the party.  Just use the "get the code" link.

Help us make the world a more beautiful place... for you, for babies, for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and, lest we forget, Big Brothers everywhere. 

Pay It Forward For Babies

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