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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mary-Alice’s No Honey Honey chicken

Mary-Alice’s No Honey Honey chicken

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Mary-Alice’s No Honey Honey chicken

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 03:23 AM PST

No Honey Honey Chicken Recipe

When I went away to college and got the rudest dietary shock of my entire life, I used to dream about this chicken at night. It is so, so, SO good and you never get tired of it. I even developed a vegan version of it during my vegetarian/dairy intolerant years, because I couldn't live without it. The vegan version isn't QUITE the same, but it's very very good, and I served it to many a tofu hater who was pleasantly surprised to find they liked it.

Read Mary-Alice’s No Honey Honey chicken on Joy Makin Mamas! Thanks for being a subscriber- you are the best!

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