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Monday, January 13, 2014

Book Review: Everything Goes On Land” plus 1 more

Book Review: Everything Goes On Land” plus 1 more

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Book Review: Everything Goes On Land

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 04:00 AM PST

Book Review: Everything Goes On Land

Everything Goes on Land is the first book in a series of three (so far!) by Brian Biggs. My kids and I test drove this talented illustrator's book for you so you can be confident you won't want to hide it after they go to bed.

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Sunday Silliness 1-12-14

Posted: 12 Jan 2014 04:09 AM PST

Thank you for joining us for our weekly Sunday morning silliness! Each Sunday morning we invite you to join us on the lighter side for a little fun. You can post a response here in the comment section, or join the conversation on our Facebook page!

Read Sunday Silliness 1-12-14 on Joy Makin Mamas! Thanks for being a subscriber- you are the best!

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