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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

White Wine Marinara Turkey Meatballs (in the crockpot)” plus 1 more

White Wine Marinara Turkey Meatballs (in the crockpot)” plus 1 more

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White Wine Marinara Turkey Meatballs (in the crockpot)

Posted: 04 Jun 2013 05:46 PM PDT

Crockpot Turkey Meatballs in White Wine Marinara

We are on a major winning streak around here. What are we winning? The war against kid food, that’s what. Here’s our latest victory. My five year old doesn’t like sauce. But he consented to dunk his noodles in this, and actually liked the meatball, too. If you’ve never made meatballs, don’t worry, it’s easy. [...]

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Gardening with kids: automatic watering system

Posted: 04 Jun 2013 04:36 PM PDT

Gardening with kids: automatic watering system

I may have mentioned that we love gardening with these kids. Also I may possibly have mentioned that we kill a lot of plants. Well, look at us trying to beat that trend with science. My little man and I put in some herb plants over the weekend, and this is our automatic irrigation system. [...]

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