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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Princess Wishes Giveaway!

Would your little princess just dearly LOVE to see the newest Disney on Ice Show?
I have, to give away, four tickets for the 7:30 pm show on February 16th.  And YOU can win them.  Here's how:
  1. Anyone who signs up for the Joy Makin' Mamas and Papas team by Saturday, February 12 will receive one entry. (This is free!)
  2. Anyone who donates to the Joy Makin' Mamas and Papas team by Saturday, February 12 will receive one entry per dollar donated.
  3. Anyone who accepts the Pay It Forward Challenge by Februrary 12 will receive FIVE entries, plus one entry per dollar donated to the team.  You will also receive one entry for every $5 donated by folks you refer as part of that challenge- but they have to say you sent them!
  4. You can also get five entries by posting in the Show us Your Badges Thread!
Remember, the drawing is Saturday, February 12! The more you do, the more chances you'll have to win, and take your little princess to see a REAL LIVE Disney Princess on Ice!

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