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Pay It Forward Challenge

We invite you to participate in our Pay It Forward Challenge.  Please feel free to put your own spin on this... offer a free gift from the product line you sell, a gift card, a home made cake, event tickets, a special dinner... the sky is the limit.  Require a minimum donation to your page or do a random drawing, just as you like... but write it up, post it to our Pay It Forward list, and grab a copy of the list code for your own post, while you're at it.

If you've got a blog, hustle on over to join our team, whether you'll be walking on March Day or not, regardless of where you live- you can change your personal walk location once you join- and make a post just like this one.  Then link to your post from this page by clicking the link and following the instructions below. While you're at it, grab the linky code and post it to your blog, too, and help spread the word!

With your help, we can not only have fun and make the world a happier, more beautiful place, we can save some babies.  To qualify as a Pay It Forward post, all you have to do is offer a thank you gift to your donors, and an incentive for them to refer other people to donate to your team page, as well.  You could do a contest where you get one entry if you donate yourself, and two if someone says you referred them... you can offer a small prize to everyone who donates and a random drawing among those they refer... use your creativity and showcase your talents!

Don't have a blog?  Email us a guest entry and we'll post your Pay It Forward challenge for you.  Be sure to include a little background about you and your family- the more personal your challenge is, the better!  AND- Don't forget to include your March for Babies fundraising badge in your email, so folks can donate to your page and take you up on your challenge!

Check out our Pay It Forward Challenge Participants!